Friday, March 18, 2011

Lace Front Drama

I'm really trying figure out what’s going on with these woman and there messed up wigs. The whole point of the wig is for it to seem like it’s your real hair or even a sew in, but every day I see more and more females walking around with bad....VERY bad lace fronts. So I'm going to give you some help on what it should and should NOT look like. 

This is what is should NOT look like,

Don't let the wig take away your hair line, it should not be touching your nose, and NEVER use glue, you need to let your hair get some air every night if not it will start to dry out, break off, and fall out.

Here's the help try to keep some of your hair showing to cover up the lace and it makes it look like your hair (that’s my trick).

 OR you can get one of them brush looking things they use to cover your grays to make the lace blend in with your baby hairs yes I said baby hair. There are so many different kinds to choose from.

Sorry I don’t have a close up pic but you would have never known it was a lace front until I told you.

I'm not making the blog to hurt anyone I just feel like us as women need to do better. Because I know that were all tired of the "Lace Front Drama".

Until next time much love, Marvelous Marva.

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