Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So today at work some of the women were talking about why do people cheat, and then they asked me what I thought about it so I'm going to tell you.

1.) One of the many reasons why a person would cheat would be because they’re not happy with where they are now in their relationship and now they have found a person that fills that empty space. They wouldn't leave the person that they’re in the relationship with currently because they have the best of both worlds now. Why stop if you’re not getting caught up?

2.) The person could have trust issues and they feel like "Why should I do right by you if I know you’re not doing right by me". This could be because they've been hurt so many times by people in their past and it carried on to other relationships, there just bitter and don't know how to let go and move on.

3.) They’re just dick heads that enjoy playing with people’s feelings and hurting them. There is really no other way for me to put that one.

4.) A person can be cheating and not even know they’re doing it. Here is an example. A person in a relationship with someone mite love em to death but there are some things that this person just doesn’t do. It's not them, not there personality, but they have a friend that does everything that they want their mate to do. They go out and have fun all the time and they soon forget where the boundaries are. Things can go from friendly to romantic. Just because you don't have sex doesn't mean you’re not cheating. Kissing is worst then sex because when you kiss a person there’s so much passion in it, it has meaning.

Now I'm not saying that once a cheater always one because people do change sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worst. But no matter what don't let you past control your future.

Until next time love you all Marvelous Marva <3

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